
Get the products and services directly from the godown

Vibrant India Realtrade Private Limit (VIRPL) is one of the best direct selling companies of India which provides all the products and services directly to men. There will be no middlemen and products will be made reach to people at negligible price.


How will you feel if you get any product at minimal price?

And by minimal price means not discounted but minimal. More like getting a television of 30K in 5K or 7K and 1 ml bottle of coke in 15rs?

This what happens when a person buys something from direct selling companies. The direct selling companies are the one who provides you with all kinds of products and services directly from the manufacturer. There will be no middlemen who will grab their money and eat all the cream from the milk.

Similar is a company named Vibrant India which is considered among best direct selling companies of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. We believe providing services and products to the people directly rather than considering middlemen would benefit the society. Our 7 words mantra is what makes us different from other – Trust, Team, Hard work, Kindness, Knowledge, Respect and Leadership.

Our mission and vision are to educate maximum people of India, generating income. We want to create work opportunities to spread awareness of independence. Our ulterior motive is growth of nation which will be fulfilled by educating its public.

Our products are mixture of health and taste which will purify your body not only from inside but outside as well. We have arthrohills, keshohills, imunohilla, ocuhills, aloevera, glohills, chologuardhills, dekarsinohills, etc. which are health juices. We have skin products, hair products, eye drops, face packs, face creams, etc. you name it we have it. We have dinner set as well as kitchen wear, clothes, accessories like watches, etc. We have holiday packages with mesmerizing destinations for couples as well as whole families. We have indoor as well as outdoor locations.

Our combos are worth checking which include suits, holiday packages, accessories, educational packages, etc.

How long we will live with limitations…right? Enter into world of Vibrant India and dive into your dreams. Do check out every product and services for your own self. Give us a chance to serve you the way you deserve. We only want to change the face of India through education, entrepreneurship and business opportunities so hold our hands.


VIRPL is a one of the top direct selling company of Ahmedabad, Gujarat that provides educational services as well as products like health drinks. Our educational services include some of the courses like WordPress, android, java, I-phone apps, etc. Our products include chlorophyll pack, healthy ark, thriphala juices, etc.

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